Has your organization recently fallen out of GSA compliancy? Are you tired of the administrative responsibilities that are required by holding a GSA Schedule? Is your time better utilized on running the day to day operations of your organization? Let DCCI, LLC help!
During this highly competitive environment, it has become extremely important to be compliant with your GSA contract requirements. Trade Agreements Act, GSA Advantage uploads, 72a quarterly reporting, and mass modifications are just some of the areas that a GSA schedule holder must manage correctly in order to remain in compliancy with the GSA.
DCCI, LLC offers unprecedented contract administration support. Some of the areas where DCCI, LLC can assist your organization is in management of GSA Advantage uploads, price increase/decrease, product and service additions/deletions, EPA, 72a reporting, mass modifications, Central Contractor Registration (CCR), Online Representations and Certifications, (ORCA), E-Buy, DoD EMall, AFWay, CMAS, TXMas and numerous other programs